Saturday, 17 November 2007

Dave in Addis, Libby in Lalibela

I’ve had more contact with Dave and Libby today!

Libby just phoned from Lalibela!!! They are having a fantastic time sightseeing, spending time in the local market and seeing the old rock hewn churches, although Wendy said a few have got diarrhoea and one sunburn! She said they met someone who has just got back from the Simien Mountains and it reached -10 degrees C at night! Very chilly! The trekkers need to make sure they are wrapped up warm at night time – the key is layering! It’s really hot in the sun though, cool in the shade.

Dave said it was really cold at night in Addis and Maggie has a cold! The group will need to be prepared to drink lots of sugar in their hot drinks and keep energy levels up with Pepsi and sugary drinks. This will help them acclimatise.

Dave and Maggie will be meeting the 2nd group at Bole airport tomorrow morning to greet them and go to the hotel. They are looking forward to meeting the group!

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